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Tasting Art, Up date

Due to the limited amount of Opus1, following special variational editions are prepared.


1-1 Tasting Sweet Blossom




1-2 Flowering in your mouth




1-3 Taste of Flowering




1-4 Blossom in your Tongue




'The Doc'


'The Doc'

Art of Perfect Marriage

(Jang) Doc is a Korean traditional artisanal pot, crafted out of natural mud with extremely high temperature for the crystallization of its structure, which is to be used as natural maturing storage for Korean traditional fermentation ingredients.

Doc is hand crafted specially for the purpose of preserving and maturing Korean traditional fermentation ingredients such as Cho and Jang for a long period of time (some Doc hold these products and preserve them for more than 6 or 7 decades).


As it is beautifully expressed by the grand master of Doc artisanship, “(Jang) Doc breathes by itself so that fermented micro-bio-organisms can live and age for a long period of time”.

The Doc is an art in itself.

The mutual fulfillment of existential purpose : 'The Cho' is preserved in the 'The Doc : the Art of Perfect Marriage is born.

Tasting Art Project Plan: 'The Cho and Jang'
Introducing the quintessence of Korean traditional fermentation food culture with 'The Cho & Jang'



The global Tasting-Art project plan: in cooperation with creative Chefs worldwide by providing them with various kinds of ‘The Cho and Jang’ (a special selection of Korean traditional fermented reductions using organic and natural ingredients, full of minerals, nutrients and other healthy micro-organisms, crafted and matured in a traditional way, according to an authentically preserved recipe) in order to create ‘New Sensational Tastes’ and perform ‘Tasting-Art’.



By using 'The Cho & Jang’, the creative artists of Taste (Chefs) can re-discover new aspects of Taste, contribute to the evolution of the tasting culture, and re-establish the true nature of culinary art as a new form of post-contemporary art - the official proclamation of the Art of Taste.

It is a new approach to the ‘Art of creating and experiencing Taste’.

Join the Trans-Art movement by becoming a Trans-Artist



A Package of 'The Cho & Jang' will be provided 



4 Kinds of 'The Cho'


‘The Cho’, Classic


‘Hyo Cho’, Authentic


‘Han Cho’, Traditional


‘Gan So’, Original



4 Kinds of 'The Jang'


‘The Gan Jang’ + ‘Gan So’


‘The Doen Jang’


‘The Go Chu Jang’


‘The Cho Jang’

We will send the above complimentary package [the Korean traditional treasure of fermentation ingredients] to the world's greatest taste creators as well as to the enthusiastic creative artists of taste, especially the chefs who are sincerely willing to participate in creating new tastes using 'The Cho & Jang' with their local culture and ingredients.


We will continue to supply 'The Cho & Jang' to them if they go on to participate in Tasting-Art and join as a Trans-Artist themselves.

The Cho proto types

‘The Cho & Jang’



약식동원 (Yack Sic Dong Won) :

In Korea, we have a traditional culture of ‘transcendental food philosophy’ which considers the essence of food as the same as the essence of medicine which can heal the imbalance of one's body and soul.



The unique fermentation food legacy is at the heart of Korean food culture and the soul of Korean cuisine.

Instead of the conventional governmental introduction of Korean food by continuously promoting a few signature dishes, it would be a transformational approach to introduce the very heart of Korean culinary infrastructure, particularly the various kinds of authentic Cho and Jang, that can be utilized at the global level and contribute to the evolutionary progress of the world-wide micro-biotic fermentation food culture for the good of all.



By providing the world’s great taste creators with the Korean authentic treasure of traditional fermentation ingredients, we encourage them to join the Trans-Art movement which can contribute to the evolution of global culinary and food culture, as well as to the evolution of the art of taste, by becoming the Trans-artist themselves.



The core of Korean fermentation food culture is about understanding the fermented micro-organism and utilizing its medical effects such as improving enzymes, vitalizing the healthy micro-organism; utilizing organic ingredients and combining natural ingredients, minerals, nutrients, and other micro-biotic resources.

It is compatible with the evolutionary direction of global food culture: towards health and microorganisms.

It would be possible to contribute to the global culinary evolution by providing artists with the complimentary resources that can be used in creating new tastes by integrating the local ingredients and their culture all over the globe.

Join the Tasting-Art movement by:


1. Creating a New Menu : combine local ingredients (cultural elements) with ‘The Cho & Jang’


2. Exhibiting (Providing) a Tasting-Art menu: a single menu or tasting course that can be experienced ‘Only Once’ for each customer, thereby transforming a conventional customer into a member of the ‘tasting-art audience’ who can experience the glimpse of Satori through the ‘just once in a lifetime tasting exhibition’



The applicant Chefs will be provided with a complimentary ‘The Cho & Jang’.

The innovative Tasting-Art Menu will be introduced and promoted officially.


Please, join the Tasting-Art movement starting in Korea, by officially joining as a Trans-Artist yourself.