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Tasting the Mindless Consciousness : Taste of Awakening your True Nature



In Trans-Art Part 2, the artist transforms ‘The Cho’ into Art thereby posing the critical and reflective questions that concern the 'essence of Art’, the 'true nature of ourselves’ and the ‘ways of life’.


In Part 1, the artist uses his painting to express the enlightenment and awakening by visualizing spiritual transcendence.


In Part 2, he uses ‘The Cho’ in order to introduce the Taste of mindless state of consciousness, a glimpse of your True Nature.


In Part 3, he integrates art with technology.



Through his endeavor, the artist keeps on generating the essential questions to be reconsidered, such as:


"In substance, what is the difference between the ‘taste that touches your true nature’ and the ‘artwork that awakens your true nature’, except that one loses its form sooner than the other?"


"What makes you to extricate yourself from the confines of your mind?”


"What drives you to focus completely on your life?”


"What forces you to concentrate absolutely, beyond your limitations?”


"What takes you to your essential nature with infinite possibility beyond the limitations of your Ego?"


“What drives you to do what you do?”


“What takes you to your true nature?”

Join Yourself to be a Trans-Artist



Trans-Art is about elevating your state of consciousness and going beyond your usual state of thinking mind through Art.

There are moments when people transcend their normal state of mind and reach beyond conventional.

When you witness an unconditional love, when you encounter magnificent scenery, when you experience a beauty beyond your comprehension, when you concentrate fully on whatever you do as a means to transcend the limits of your confinement, or when you taste a glimpse of your true nature; the moment of Satori arises.



Why do we focus and concentrate fully on what we do?

Why do we risk our life and put everything at stake to do whatever we do with absolute commitment?

There are plenty of reasons on the surface such as money and fame, but are they substantial reasons for your innate impulse?

Isn’t it because it takes us to the transcendental state of consciousness that inspires our true nature with infinite possibility?



Not what we do matters absolutely.

But how we do what we do matters.

Because it can take us to liberation beyond what we are at the mere physical level.



Everything that takes you to your True Nature; hence, whatever that takes you to your True Nature, can be considered as Trans-Art.



Accordingly, the Trans-Artist is the one who attempts to overcome the limitations of Ego and realize the infinite possibility of one’s True Nature through whatever one does, no matter what it is.

The Trans-Artist is the one who pursues the True Nature beyond Egoic limitations.



In the Tasting-Art exhibition, the Trans-Artist is not only Sewon, but you are.

The participant can be considered as a Trans-Artist who transcends the conventional form of audience.

By the ‘once in a life time experience of Tasting-Art’, you can recognize what you already have, what you already know, and what you already are.

In that, you will join the artist in a transformational state of consciousness.