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Taste my Art : 'The Cho’ as an Art Device

The Cho proto type 1-2

'The Cho' as an Art-Device : 'The Cho’ becomes a bridge between Form and Formlessness.



Trans-Artist expresses the formless essence of Awakening (mindless state of consciousness) which is already there in you, by using his special tasting art device ‘The Cho’,
in the Canvas of the perceiver’s mind.



* Undisclosed Receipe (Revealed 2017,8) : Chateau D'yquem 1996, 2002 + The Cho


+ You can experience ‘ The Cho’ Opus 1 and 2 at the mobile Gallery Hermitage.


‘The Cho’ Opus 1 and 2 cannot be explained in words except by directly tasting them; Thus, we will focus on the ‘Opus 3 : Naeng Myeon-Just Once’ which the method of experiencing it is explainable.



How the Opus 3 ‘The Cho: Just Once’ Exhibition Works



The Artist provides ‘The Cho’ to the audience who apply for the exhibition (through the web-site).

The participants can choose among the restaurants that are recommended, and visit by themselves.

And then, use ‘The Cho’ to mix it up with the special dish, and enjoy it  ← This is it



For Special Requests: For those who are visiting Korea especially for the Tasting-Art experience, please send the artist an e-mail directly.

When your request is granted, you can visit the ‘mobile gallery Hermitage' at UE (Seoul Samsung-dong 02-549-0744)’ to experience Opus 1 and 2, or pick up 'The Cho' directly for the Opus 3.


            The Cho proto type 1-3

The recommended restaurants are specialize in Pyeong-Yang-Naeng-Myeon (평양냉면-an authentic Korean cold noodle dish in the Pyeong Yang style) and they are carefully selected according to their performance with 'The Cho', and their consistency in quality.


The gallery is the restaurant.

The admission fee is the price of the noodles.

'The Cho' is priceless and provided for free, Just for the ‘Once’ : the experiencer cannot have a second chance.



+ According to Korean culture, it is customary to add vinegar to Naeng Myeon at restaurant, which is more natural than adding salt and pepper at a Western restaurant.


+ For the Opus 3, 'The Cho' is specially customized for the Tasting-Art dish, and is produced in a limited amount solely for the Tasting-Art exhibition purpose: 'The Cho' is not a selling-product. Thus, it is impossible to purchase them for a more use.

'(Pyeong Yang) Naeng Myeon' is a classic Pyeong-yang style (Northern Korea) cold buckwheat noodle in cold consommé soup, which can be regarded as a quintessence of authentic Korean cultural cuisine in a single dish.




Why Pyeong Yang Naeng Myeon? Because its flavor is simply the best when it is combined with 'The Cho' : This dish was chosen among many candidates which the artist had experimented with for years, because it was simply the best that the artist ever had, especially when combined with ‘The Cho’.


The combination of 'The Cho' and Naeng Myeon transforms its taste into unconventional level.


The determination to sincerely treat a guest with the 'best I've got', shares the Tao spirit from Japanese tea ceremony Zen (다도의 선).

Recommended Restaurants Specializing in 평양냉면 (Pyeong-Yang-Naeng-Myeon)  



우래옥 본점 Woo Rae Oak (Euljiro Main Restaurant)

우래옥 강남점 Woo Rae Oak (Kangnam Branch)

을지면옥 Eulji Myeon Oak (Euljiro Main Restaurant)

평양면옥 논현점 Pyeong Yang Myeon Oak (Nonhyun-dong Kang Nam)

한우리 본점 Han Woo Ri (Non-Hyun Main restaurant)




The exact location, phone-number and other specific guidance will be provided individually when a participant picks up ‘The Cho’.


The Cho proto types