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Tasting-Art as a means to Trans-Perception: A glimpse of Awakening by Tasting Art



* Trans-Perception is a new method of experiencing art which was introduced in Part 1 and was elaborated into Tasting-Art

Trans-Art will take any form to express its inspirations.

Through the Tasting-Art, Sewon attempts to express the Taste of your True Nature (the natural state of consciousness before Ego mind activity assumed the possession of your existence).


It is a new way of art.


True nature is the state of pure consciousness that makes the recognition of beauty possible in the first place.


Trans-Perception suggests to experience not just Taste, but your state of consciousness.

The key to Tasting-Art: Attain Self-awareness & Drop the thinking mind



The essence of Tasting-Art, like beauty, music and any other essential qualities, cannot be grasped by the thinking mind but can only be known directly.


So does True Love.

You can use your thinking mind to analyze love, and come up with infinite reasons to love your family but they are not it, no matter how plausible they seem.

True love has no reason.

True love can only be known unconditionally, it does not require reasons or validation by the thinking mind.

The immutable essences do not belong to the realm of thinking which represents the dimension of the Ego mind.


Thinking is not perception (thinking is a form of perception).

Mind is not consciousness (mind is a form of consciousness).


Thus, in order to transcend the thinking mind, it is necessary to drop the ‘tendency to think’ - the urge to understand, label, name, interpret, categorize, compare, draw conclusions, or any other usual reactive mind activity.


In other words, ‘know that it is OK not to understand.’

Then the real understanding not filtered by the thinking mind, can arise.


By the act of shifting perception from the 'Taste' to your 'Consciousness', the state of perception changes:


From the 'tendency to understand' to 'pure perception'.


From the 'thinking mind' to 'perceiving awareness’.


By dropping the tendency to understand, 'the mind's urge to think' is liberated.


The perception of consciousness can then shift from ‘the impulse of mind to think and understand’, to ‘the clear concentrated state of awareness’ not completely interrupted by the thinking mind.


Now you can Taste without a conceptual sunglasses, which is the complete interruption and distortion by the tamed Ego-mind activity.


When the self-awareness and the absolute concentration on Taste crystallizes the state of consciousness, the inner state of ‘peace’ can be recognized, and a calm and clear state of mind can be obtained even for a short moment.


There will be a perception, recognition and understanding, but at a different level of quality; a glimpse of your true nature.