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Just Once in a Lifetime



Please remember.

Just like every moment in our life, the exhibition is just a once in a lifetime experience.

The Cho proto type 2-1

Major Element: the elevation of consciousness by ‘Just Once in a lifetime experience’



What is the Key to Tasting-Art?


The Cho’?


The Dish?


The Taste?


They are all relatively important.


But ‘Not Absolutely’.


The most crucial factor is that this is only a once in a life time experience.

            The Cho proto type 2-1

'The Cho' is not a selling-product.



+ 'The Cho' is specially customized for the Tasting-Art dish.



Only a limited amount is produced and aged for years, solely for the Tasting-Art exhibition, and by a well-known authentic artisan production mature-distillery but its name undisclosed to public.


Thus, it is impossible to purchase them for a more use.



You can only experience ‘The Cho’ just once. Just like our life.


Knowing this in absolute alertness, can elevate the participant’s state of consciousness and make him/her concentrate fully, not merely on the Taste, but on the entire process of experiencing the Tasting-Art and hence, transform him/her into the trans-artist himself.



Whether you like it or not, you will be experiencing a day as a trans-artist when you participate in Tasting-Art. By recognizing with absolute clarity that this experience is only for just once, your state of consciousness (the cognitive faculty) can be highly elevated and experience whatever happens in your presence with a higher dimension of perspective. ←  This is the very essence of the Trans-Artist.

But then again, doesn’t everything that happens in our life happen only just once?


Maybe that is exactly the thing that the artist wants us to realize with absolute clarity.


The Tasting-Art is not about providing you with a new taste or new experience only, but to remove that which conceals things you already know (the preciousness of every single moment of your life), things you already have (every single thing about your life) and what you already are (that You and Life are one and the same and always one with Now).


By following his exhibition, we may rediscover what we already know, what we already have and what we already are, by elevating our consciousness.


And by elevating the state of consciousness, we may come to recognize the ‘Essence of Art’, the ‘True Nature of ourselves’ and the ‘New dimension in the ways of Life’.


The Taste is a fingertip pointing at the essence beyond Taste.


The 'Taste of Satori' , 'The moment of Samadi' , and 'A glimpse of True Nature' are concealed in the state of consciousness rather than in the taste of the dish.